Mingenew Historical Society

Farming history brought to life

Mingnew’s original government school, built in 1894, is today home to the extensive collection of the Mingenew Museum. Meander through the former classrooms to witness artefacts dating back to the 1850s. You’ll also find two machinery sheds housing heritage farming machinery. Be sure to set out on the new Mingenew Historical Walk trail, which takes you to historic buildings and sites and opens your eyes to the stories that once played out there.


Cnr Victoria Rd and King St
Mingenew WA 6522

Opening Hours
Open by calling 0428 726 056 or 9928 1102
Revolutionising the kitchen

When it came to fandangled new kitchen appliances, mix masters were the cooks’ choice in the 1940s and 1950s. These early appliances revolutionised cooking and wowed women used to hand beating their...

Musical instrument of first European girl born in the Swan River Colony

This concertina was once played by the first European girl born in the Swan River Colony. Sophia Ellery, nee Dent, was born on the beach in Fremantle in 1829 after her mother went into labour. The...

Commanding officer’s custom-made boots

Western Australia’s General Commanding Officer of the Western Command Sir James Harrison strode the streets of London in these boots after having them made for himself in the 1950s. He’d just endured...

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Lighthouse keeper's cottage

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While you're in the area

Enanty Barn
Enanty Barn
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Mingenew Museum
Mingenew Museum
The Mingenew Museum is located inside the original Mingenew Government...
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Depot Hill
Depot Hill
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Miners Camp at Coalseam Conservation Park
Miners Camp at Coalseam Conservation Park
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