This Vin Cleaning products brochure has handy hints on both cleaning AND staying slim! Imagine building keeping fit by washing the windows.
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Ballidu Heritage Centre
A treasure hunter's delight
The Ballidu Heritage Centre collection is a dive through the ages, with memorabilia for the young and the young at heart. The beautiful old hall has display rooms set up like small stage sets. For...
Ballidu Hall 35 Fairbank Street, BalliduWA6606 Australia
At first glance, this looks like an ordinary highchair from the 1970s. However, if you look closely the coloured beads are actually hand painted quandong seeds. What a beautiful thing to make for a...
This novelty item has it origins in the early 1800s when the idea was first patented in 1803. However, the first pair of windscreen wiper glasses were not made until the 1920s. They were certainly all...