Vehicle tractor and machine manuals

Manual Library

If you are looking to fix a vehicle, tractor or machine, look no further. The compactus of manuals is one of the most widely accessed manual collections in Australia and indeed the team have received requests for manuals from overseas. Find the impressive list of available manuals on their website and if you have any vehicle, tractor or machine manuals consider donating them to this collection.

Available at:

Esperance Mechanical Restoration Group

Sheds full of vehicles, tractors, machines and a library compactus of manuals

The Esperance Mechanical Restoration Group’s name speaks for itself. The members restore and collect everything from machines to matchboxes. The site takes in several sheds full of cars, trucks and...


Lot 138 McLean Road
Nulsen WA 6450

Open Hours
Mon 9am - 12pm; 4th Sunday of every month 9am - 3pm. Uptodate phone number is on the gate to contact volunteers.

More from the Esperance Mechanical Restoration Group

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This Humber is very unusual as it was painted black for a royal visit. The Queen Mother travelled in this car, in Western Australia in April 1966. If you look closely at the front of the vehicle you...

Pair off

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