This windmill tail is from a 2.5m tall State Implement Work’s windmill, which was made in Rocky Bay, North Fremantle. It was erected on Wimmera Farm’s first dam in 1917.
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The Windmills Shed
A farmer's love of windmills
A collection not to be missed! The extremely rare Steel Wings windmill at the entrance to Wimera Farm signal that this is a special visitor experience. The windmill collection, developed by local...
Wimera Farm 66 Dalwallinu Kalannie Road DalwallinuWA6609 Australia
This is a sectional windmill, in which the blades move in and out, flapping like wings. There is no vane on this windmill design, because it uses an offset balance weight. This means that the mill is...
What better way to start a windmill collection than restoring the first windmill on the family property, Wimera Farm? This Comet Windmill was installed on the property in 1915 and stood about 2.5m...