Convict chains

Early years, hard years

In 1853 some 60 convicts set sail from Fremantle to Lynton in the Northampton Shire to form the first convict depot north of Fremantle. From here they’d supply labour to the Geraldine Lead Mine, some 64 kilometres north on the Murchison River. By 1856 the convicts had built a cluster of buildings, including a store, lockup and hospital, at Lynton. They also made this chain while working there. The convict depot closed in 1857 but not before many of its inhabitants fell victim to scurvy.

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Chiverton House Museum

Historic house of former mining pioneer

The sweeping verandahs and many rooms of Northampton’s Chiverton House Museum were once the home of mining pioneer Captain Samuel Mitchell, who led work on the Geraldine Lead Mine at nearby Galena in...


166 Hampton Rd
Northampton WA 6535

Open Hours

Opening hours vary, so call the Northampton Visitor Centre on 08 9934 1488

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During the 1940s, a mother of two sat anxiously waiting for news of her son fighting in World War II. To ease the strain and keep herself occupied, Mildred Barrett began fashioning this crocheted...

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Chiverton House Museum
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