"Christ's resurrection in a wheatbelt landscape", by John Paul

At the altar

This Uniting Church oil painting is the product of a collaboration between artist in residence John Paul, local artist and farmer Peter Phillips, and the Ballidu Contemporary Arts Society in 2004 and 2005. The mural was unveiled in 2007 and is still enjoyed by members of the Uniting Church congregation on the corner of Fairbank Street and Bunyip Street, Ballidu.

Available at:

Ballidu Contemporary Arts Society and Ballidu Lodge Art Gallery

Bringing a community together

Ballidu Contemporary Arts Society was started with the intention of engaging audiences in contemporary art practices. The Society and the Ballidu Lodge Art Gallery have contributed to a vibrant art...


Old Masonic Hall
19 Fairbank St
Ballidu WA 6606

Open Hours

Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm; Sat 8.30am - 5pm; Sun 9am - 12.30pm

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