These cameras were produced in the early 1990s as novelty items. They are fully functioning 35mm film cameras. Just don't mistake them for a cold drink!
Available at:
The Big Camera - Museum of Photography
Walk through the lense of the Big Camera, into a world of cameras.
Walk through the lens of the Big Camera to be transfixed by wall-to-wall cameras! This is believed to be the largest working camera display in the Southern hemisphere. It is a place to learn about the...
The Praestantia magic lantern slide projector originally used candles, or oil lamps, as the light source. This projector takes dynamic glass slides. Dynamic slides all have an element which moves...
Feel like a spy with a fully operational subminiature camera. These cameras were produced from the 1930s onwards, as cheap alternatives to the bulky 35mm SLR camera. A standard SLR camera takes 35mm...