W.H. Douglas' reel-to-reel

Recording languages

This is Wilfrid H Douglas’ reel-to-reel audio tape recorder that he used to record Aboriginal people speaking in language. Douglas was a missionary who initially taught in the South West region. He then relocated to the Wongatja (Wongatha) region near Kalgoorlie. Douglas recorded languages of the Western Desert Cultural bloc through the United Aborigines Mission Language Department. He also continued work on recording Nyoongar language and is credited with The Aboriginal Languages of the South-West of Australia (AIAS press) 1968. Linguists consider Douglas to be a contentious figure, due to his influence in language usage and preservation. Due to his teaching methods, it is believed that he may have influenced major changes to the grammar of some languages.

Available at:

Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

Saving Goldfields Aboriginal languages for all of us

The Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre (GALC) is an Aboriginal research organisation focussed on the recording, linguistic analysis, preservation and use of the Aboriginal languages of the region...


2 Burt St
Boulder WA 6432

Open Hours

Mon to Fri 8:30am - 4pm

More from the Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre

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