Wartime pencil

Little scribbler

This highly unusual and delicate object is a World War I French field pencil. A soldier would have used it to write home to their loved ones, or, maybe even to make drawings. Pencils and paper were a rare commodity in the trenches.

Available at:

Koorda Motor Museum and Military Collection

A passion for cars and military history

This collection was built up over 30 years through a passion for cars and military memorabilia. Tony Clarke repairs and restores classic and muscle cars, and loves military history. You will find some...


38 Allenby Street
Koorda WA 6475

Open Hours

By appointment on the numbers provided. Entry fees apply.

More from the Koorda Motor Museum and Military Collection

In honour of Brocky, King of the Mountain

You can almost smell the petrol and hear the roar of this 1971 Bathurst 500 replica 'Torrie' (Torana) screaming down the straight during a Phillip Island race. This car is a replica of the Torana...

Dress jacket

This jacket is part of the dress uniform for the Royal Artillery, Scottish Horse Brigade. The Scottish Horse Brigade is a regiment of the British Army’s Territorial Army, a volunteer cavalry force...

While you're in the area

Koorda Motor Museum and Military Collection
Koorda Motor Museum and Military Collection
Come and have a look through a variety of vintage and muscle cars and...
28 Allenby Street, Koorda, WA 6475
Koorda Museum
Koorda Museum
Set up as a functioning hospital before World War II, the Koorda Museum is...
39 Ningham Road, Koorda, WA 6475