Northcliffe Visitors Centre

Australia's leading art in nature experience

The rammed-earth Visitors Centre is the entranceway to the engaging and uplifting experience of the Understory Art & Nature Trail, a collection of site specific artworks. Southern Forest Arts, a local art group, initiated and developed this trail which aims to provide visitors with the opportunity to connect with the spirit of the place. As the brochure says “Let your imagination guide and your heart connect”. Slowing down to discover and contemplate the fascinating artworks nestled in, under and above the bush, encourages you to also notice the details of leaves, blossom and bark, enhanced by the play of light and shadow. Many Western Australian artists, writers and musicians of note have been commissioned to create pieces for the Art Trail experience. The Trail continues to grow as more creative elements are added to this special experience.


Muirillup Road
Northcliffe WA 6262

Opening Hours
7 days 10am - 4pm
Let your imagination guide and your heart connect

The rammed-earth Visitors Centre is the entranceway to the engaging and uplifting experience of the Understory Art & Nature Trail, a collection of site specific artworks. Southern forrest Arts, a...

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