Balladonia Heritage Museum

A museum located near the ‘Ninety mile straight’.

Located in a roadhouse, this little museum has items and information about Ngadju and Mirning people. It also covers the early settler history at Balladonia station, Skylab, an around Australia car race, the Afghan cameleers and local natural history. After you leave Norseman, Balladonia is one of the first stops travelling east. It is at the beginning of the one of the longest straight stretches of road in the world.


Eyre Hwy
Balladonia WA 6443

Opening Hours
Mon to Sat 6am - 7:30pm
Trails across the sky

Pieces of Skylab, a United States space station, were strewn over a largely unpopulated area of Western Australia, from Balladonia to Esperance. NASA had planned for Skylab to function as a space...

Plants of the arid regions

Balladonia is located on the edge of the Great Western Woodland, which has the tallest trees in an arid zone, in the world. The plants which grow in the region are adapted to low rainfall and long...

The Reliability Trial

Imagine driving a standard sedan over unsealed roads, in a race where you had to carry extra fuel and water. The Redex Around Australia Car Trial travelled around Australia three times, through...

More Golden Outback collections

Soda pop culture

A quirky, vast Coca-Cola collection in a café. Sip a coffee or cola and take in the visual mastery of a branding and marketing icon through the ages, with this extensive collection of cans, bottles...

A prominent place to learn about the Noongar history of Dambarling (Lake Dumbleyung).

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A stop on the edge of the desert

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Saving Goldfields Aboriginal languages for all of us

The Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre (GALC) is an Aboriginal research organisation focussed on the recording, linguistic analysis, preservation and use of the Aboriginal languages of the region...

While you're in the area


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