Ravensthorpe Museum & Visitor Centre

Unearth a gem at this museum

A collection that just keeps giving: The Ravensthorpe Museum is a jam-packed display of local history. The collection unearths the history of local figures from the mining and agricultural industry. Explore the collection as you climb into railway carriages and the Dance Cottage, (which is definitely not large enough to hold a dance party!) It was named, after Mr and Mrs George Dance who, in October 1900, purchased town Lot 126 and built the cottage. During wildflower season you can also pick up tips about which species to find where. Be on the lookout for the Qualup Bell (Pimelea physodes) which is endemic to the area.


86 Morgans Street
Ravensthorpe WA 6346

Opening Hours

Mon to Sat 10am - 4pm. Entry by donation.

Boots, buttons and buckles

When shoes go out of fashion, they don't just walk themselves out of the shop. This collection of unsold shoes from a shop in Ravensthorpe, were donated by the firm F.E Daw and Sons.


The atomiser was the must have item to apply perfume and might have been a luxury item in a location such as Ravensthorpe. This atomiser was owned by Amy Dasborough who once managed the produce store...

Don't burn or cut yourself while shaving

How did people shave at night before electric lights? By candlelight of course! Now imagine shaving with a cut-throat razor by candlelight. This candle lit shaving mirror features a useful magnifying...

More Golden Outback collections

A world recognised lace collection plus so much more.

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A town full of museums!

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A taste of Europe in the WA bush

Enter New Norcia and you’ll feel as though you have stumbled upon another era. The magnificent buildings, monastery, olive trees and church bells feel as though they would be more at home in Europe...

A glimpse of early pioneering life at this remote Wheatbelt outpost

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While you're in the area

PUBLIC Silo Trail: Ravensthorpe
PUBLIC Silo Trail: Ravensthorpe
In August 2016 acclaimed Fremantle-based artist Amok Island created the...
Dance Street, Ravensthorpe, WA 6346
Hopetoun Ravensthorpe Railway Heritage Walk Trail
Hopetoun Ravensthorpe Railway Heritage Walk Trail
There are several alternative walks on the Hopetoun Ravensthorpe Railway...
86A Morgans Street, Ravensthorpe, WA 6346
Ravensthorpe Range
Ravensthorpe Range
The Ravensthorpe Range lies to the north and east of the Fitzgerald River...
via Moir Road, Ravensthorpe, WA 6346
Archer Drive Scenic Drive and Lookout
Archer Drive Scenic Drive and Lookout
Archer Drive Scenic Drive and Lookout in the Ravensthorpe Range provides a...
via Floater Road, Ravensthorpe, WA 6346