Wyalkatchem CBH Agriculture Museum

Wylie Museum

Agriculture and farming go hand in hand with sheds and machinery. This is a phenomenally large collection of tractors, cars and machinery in Wyalkatchem, in a historic wheatbin, and a series of sheds named after locals. The main collection of vehicles from the 1930s and 1940s is kept in the 1936 ‘K’ type wheatbin. Off the main entry hall, you can explore Vern’s shed or Kevin’s shed, were you will find a selection of engines, military vehicles and tractors including the pride of the Museum, a fully restored Waterloo Boy tractor. The main entry hall contains hundreds of vehicle and machinery manuals and curiosities. There is even a rare poliomyelitis stand rescued from the scrap heap. These stands were used to strap children into, to counter disability caused by paralysis. The Museum is maintained by a team of volunteers who are knowledgeable about Wylie history and farming machinery.


Lot 1500 Railway Terrace
Wyalkatchem WA 6485

Opening Hours

Mon to Fri 9am - 4pm; Sat to Sun 10am - 2pm Admission fees apply

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Wyalkatchem CBH Agricultural Museum
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Lot 1500 Railway Terrace, Wyalkatchem, WA 6485