City of Karratha Local History Archives

Karratha's local history

Located in the stunning Red Earth Arts Precinct built in 2018 that incorporates a public library, a dual-purpose theatre/cinema,rehearsal spaces and exhibition areas, the City of Karratha Local History Archives documents the history of the towns of Karratha, Dampier, Wickham, Roebourne, Point Samson, and Cossack. It follows the transformation of the region through the pastoral, pearling and mining booms. Despite its relative youth (Karratha was only established as a town in 1996 by Hamersley Iron), this rich collection of photographs, documents and files, well-provenanced and catalogued, is a stand-out , and is accessible for all who are interested in the region’s history. The local history staff provide a research and reference service for this history and will assist with family history enquiries.


Red Earth Arts Precinct
27 Welcome Road
Karratha WA 6714

Opening Hours

Mon, Wed & Friday 9am - 5pm; Tues & Thurs 9am - 6pm; Sat 9am - 2pm

Courageous costume

This remnant square of fabric was part of a fancy dress outfit created by Miss Clare Sophia Ollis in 1900 when she attended a ball held to raise money for the Rectory Fund in Roebourne. Titled...

A loyal friend

It is not only people that have made this region famous. The enigmatic Red Dog, now the subject of Louis de Bernières' book and a subsequent feature film, claimed his place in history as he hitchhiked...

Cultural gifts

For a time, it became a tradition of Asian shipping companies to gift dolls and other traditionals terms to Australian resource industry executives and their spouses. In a climate of regular...

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