Coolamon and spun hair

Old things

Like most Aboriginal art and cultural centres, Mangkaja is developing a diverse collection including ‘old’ artefacts as a way of documenting the history and culture of the many groups in the Fitzroy valley. Many of the objects, such as this coolamon and spun hair, were collected or purchased by travellers, station workers and others, who passed through the area and have subsequently returned them to Mangkaja. Coolamons were used extensively by women, whilst women of all ages cut their hair for spinning hair string to be worn in ceremonies.

Available at:

Mangkaja Arts Resource Agency

‘We do art and tell the story.’

Bringing desert and river artists together, Mangkaja has been the base for people such as Butcher Cherrel, Daisy Andrews, Tommy May, Mervyn Street, Sonia Kurrarra, Cory Surprise, John Prince Siddon...


8 Bell Road
Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765

Open Hours
Mon to Fri 11am - 4pm

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