Mangkaja Arts Resource Agency

‘We do art and tell the story.’

Bringing desert and river artists together, Mangkaja has been the base for people such as Butcher Cherrel, Daisy Andrews, Tommy May, Mervyn Street, Sonia Kurrarra, Cory Surprise, John Prince Siddon, Spider and Dolly Snell, Mona Chuguna, Peter Skipper and many others who are now represented in collections around the world. Well-known for their uninhibited use of colour and experimentation in different mediums, these artists paint and etch on many mediums … paper, canvas, glass, perspex, tin, cardboard and boab nuts, as well as in the digital space, producing art that tells the stories of their country and their lives. They also make large scale collaborative works. Recently collaborating with Gorman, their art is now visible on high-end fashion clothing. The Mankaja Art Centre is a welcoming place for young and old. Committed to transgenerational sharing, the established artists take young people out on country to inspire and teach them, and to create art. As their chairman Mervyn Street says, ‘We do art and tell the story’.


8 Bell Road
Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765

Opening Hours
Mon to Fri 11am - 4pm
Painting in pink

Object or painting? This is an early work of Sonia Kurarra, one of Mangkaja’s cornerstone artists. Painted in pink on the underside of a drawer, it reflects her passion to paint— ‘I feel happy and I...

Butcher Cherrel

Janangoo Butcher Cherrel (dec) was born around 1920 at Jalnganjoowa, near the original homestead on one of the longest established cattle stations in the Kimberley, Fossil Downs. He began painting...

A gift from John Mosquito to Spider Snell

Two great artists from the desert country, along the northeast reaches of the Canning Stock Route, came together to collaborate on this painting of Kurtal country —a big place with a big story. One of...

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