Augusta Historical Museum

Inside this comprehensive Museum you will find stories of tragedy, lucky escapes, success, hard work, bravery and resilience. In May 1830, the Brig “Emily Taylor” brought the Bussell, Molloy and Turner families here to carve out a life for themselves and future generations. Through its displays, the Museum tells the stories of these original settlers, as well as the maritime history, the timber industry, Group Settlement, and the much more recent history of community efforts to save whales which have beached themselves along the coast.


101 Blackwood Avenue
Augusta WA 6290

Opening Hours
7 days 1 - 4pm

This small medal tells a big story which has become one of Western Australia’s great accounts of bravery. Sam Issacs, a Noongar stockman, was awarded this bronze medal by the Royal Humane Society in...

Among the fascinating exhibits is a “Square Piano” which was built in Stuttgart, Germany in 1835 by Richard Lipp and Sons. The firm was known for building high quality, durable instruments, which was...

A curious aspect of the local timber industry was the currency which was issued by the M. C. Davies Karri & Jarrah Company Ltd for use at the Karridale mill town store. The fact that the town had its...

More South West collections

A friendly town and friendly museum volunteers. The Corner Shop Museum houses a collection of items coordinated by the Tambellup HIstorical Society.

The Corner Shop Museum, was once located in a corner shop but moved to accommodate a business. It is now located in the old Station Master’s house. The collection includes local history books with...

A Special Little Place in the Forest...

Kangaroos languidly observe the surroundings in the picturesque Donnelly River Village while emus wander through the karris. Now a tranquil holiday destination, the village was established in the late...

Walking along the path towards the historic house, enjoy the lush gardens around you. As well as being beautiful, they illustrate why this location was an important place for both the Menang people...

Communications hub for milling township

Jarrahdale Heritage Society is housed within the post and telegraph office that served Jarrahdale from 1896 to 1972. The museum provides a peek into life here in the early days, taking visitors back...

While you're in the area

Boranup Karri Forest
Boranup Karri Forest
For scenic driving through the tall timber forests of the south west head...
Point Road, Boranup, WA 6286
Glenarty Road | Kerfuffle Wines
Food and Drink
Glenarty Road | Kerfuffle Wines
Glenarty Road is a boutique farm and vineyard based in Karridale, southern...
70 Glenarty Road, Karridale, WA 6288
Glenarty Road Wines Margaret River
Glenarty Road Wines Margaret River
At Glenarty Road, they like to do things a little different. They believe...
70 Glenarty Road, Karridale, WA 6288
Cosy Corner
Cosy Corner
The beach at Cosy Corner is generally sheltered and is popular for...
Cosey Corner Road, Augusta, WA 6290