Photographs by Bert Saw


What a treasure! A visual history of Denmark and surrounds, covering more than five decades is held on hundreds of glass plates which are carefully stored at the Museum. The glass plates carry photographs taken by Bert Saw (1887-1969) who, with his uncle, established a farm at Bow River, building a basic shingle hut in 1909. He took hundreds of photographs, documenting people, activities, farms, industries and locations, mostly of the south coast, but also of the Perth area. The Denmark Historical Society has produced a book and an exhibition based on Saw’s fascinating and important images. Take the time to browse through the handsome book for a glimpse into the past.

Available at:

Denmark Historical Society

Preserving the Heritage of Denmark, Western Australia'

Once a place where prisoners were locked up, this old Police Station is now the home of the Denmark Historical Society which works hard to unlock the history of this picturesque town. The history of...


16 Mitchell Street
Denmark WA 6333

Open Hours

Tues 2 - 4pm; Thurs 10am - 12pm & 2 - 4pm; Sun 2 - 4pm

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