Harvey Dickson Country Music Centre

Welcome to Harvey’s World

Be prepared to be amazed. “Welcome to Harvey’s World” declares the sign which stands proudly in the rodeo ground, and that is exactly what you enter – the world of the colourful character of Harvey Dickson. The Dickson farm was started by Harvey’s grandfather in 1886. Since 1969 it has hosted country music events and these have now grown to take over the whole town every February. Rodeos, music gigs, bush poetry events and tours are now hosted at the farm. Collections of signs, old farming tools, and a multitude of different items hang on the walls and are suspended from the roof of the old machinery shed which has been converted to a sawdust-floored concert venue. Posters and photographs signed by visiting musicians line the walls of the backstage rooms, creating an ever-growing collection of country music history. Across at the rodeo ground, the scale of Dickson’s vision is presented in full rustic glory. The annual rodeo attracts up to 5 000 people who are entertained at night by country music bands on the huge wooden stage.


286 Arthur Road
Boyup Brook WA 6244

Opening Hours

Open by calling 0417 143 402

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