Kojonup Historical Society

The Redcoats settle near kojocup (local spring)

The Military Barracks is the oldest building in Kojonup, and now houses a museum. The Barracks were constructed in 1845 by the British ‘redcoats’ of the 51st Regiment, after they settled near kojocup, the local spring. Kojocup had been shown to Surveyor Alfred Hillman by Kaneang/Noongar people in 1837. The museum holds a collection of items from early settlement, including items which are specific to the site, such as a gunpowder container and coins, found during renovations of the building. Kojonup Historical Society, lovingly maintain four sites: The Military Barracks, Elverd Cottage, Old Post Office and the Horsepower and Harness Display.


17 Spring Street
Kojonup WA 6395

Opening Hours

Open by appointment - contact Kojonup Visitors Centre on (08) 9831 0500

Learn your ABCs from stiches

Embroidery samplers were made to assist children to learn their alphabet and numbers. Catherine Tunney made this cotton embroidery sampler in 1867. It was donated by Mrs Annie Yates.

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