Roelands Village

We've been there, left and returned to Seven Hills

The rolling hills create a picturesque drive along Seven Hills Road, following the Collie River as it snakes along the valley. At the end of the road is the entrance to Roelands Village, a place of significant history and opportunity. Woolkabunning Kiaka Aboriginal Corporation leases and manages this farm. From 1939 to 1975, this was an Aboriginal Mission, at which more than 500 children lived and worked. Aboriginal people lived on the fringes of society. They were excluded from opportunities available to others and were placed in settlements, missions and reserves. As a result of Government policy, children were placed in missions such as Roelands Native Mission. Woolkabunning Kiaka, which means ‘We’ve been there, left and returned to Seven Hills’, want to share the story of this place with others, and to provide opportunities for young people to connect with their culture and to learn practical skills.The Function Centre is the social hub of the Village, and here you can find photos from the days when it was a Mission.


575 Seven Hills Road
Roelands WA 6226

Opening Hours

Open by calling 9726 3606 or 9726 3224

This tree is the perfect symbol for this place. A tree, struck by lightning, that could have been destroyed, has given rise to a new growth, a sapling growing up from the old tree trunk. Standing in...

The orange bus pictured here was a step up on the Mission truck which used to take the children to play sport and be part of other events. The children took part in many sports, often fielding a team...

There is not one single story to be told from Roelands, but many. Roelands Native Mission had fifteen cottages in which children lived with their ‘house parents’. Some children had good experiences...

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