Katanning Public Library

A mulitcultural space for a multicultural town.

The Katanning Public Library is a hub for the community. Katanning is a multiculturally rich town, and this is reflected at the library in its collection of history books and books for English as a Second Language speakers. The library includes the local studies collection, Toy Library, Genealogical Society and Life Long Readers Club. On a quiet Saturday you may even be able to assist with completing a large jigsaw puzzle.


16 Austral Terrace
Katanning WA 6317

Opening Hours
Mon to Fri 10am - 5pm; Sat 10am - 1pm
Local history collection

This is an example of the material available through the Katanning Library local studies collection. The Genealogical Society can also assist people with family history research.

Read Write Now

These locally produced resources were created by authors from the Read, Write, Now English Group. The initiative was a way to help children from multicultural families understand what it was like for...

More South West collections

Murals abound along the main street of Capel, an expression of local pride in the town. When you see the possum peering at you, you will have found the Iluka Capel Public Library, which houses the Ron...

An old school building in the centre of Bunbury houses a fascinating overview of the history of this important regional centre. Stepping into this historic building from Arthur Street, you are...

Great Southern Treasures

The sound of the steam train whistle is long gone but the history of Cranbrook as an important railway hub is still evident. Cranbrook’s local history is told inside the Station Master’s House which...

Understanding our history to plan our future

The humble shed which houses this Museum masks the treasures to be found within. Donnybrook has a rich history as a primary producer, including dairy, beef and apples, gold and stone. Along with items...

While you're in the area

Holland Track
Holland Track
Follow in the tracks of pioneer John Holland on a three-day Holland Track...
Broomehill Village, WA 6318
The Horsepower Highway
The Horsepower Highway
Western Australia’s unique and quirky Horsepower Highway has recently...
Broomehill-Gnowangerup Road, Broomehill East, WA 6318
Premier Mill Hotel
Premier Mill Hotel
Each of the rooms at the Premier Mill Hotel is a truly individual...
Corner Clive Street and Austral Terrace, Katanning, WA 6317
Lake Ewlyamartup
Lake Ewlyamartup
Located 17 kilometres east of Katanning on Langaweira Road, this lake has...
Langaweira Road, Ewlyamartup, WA 6317