Ongerup & Needilup District Museum

A wildflower collection, shearing and settler history and Noongar cultural display, all in one location.

A unique display of Noongar foods and medicines, a natural history display and home of the Ongerup Shears. The Ongerup & Needilup District Museum includes a botanical collection, farming, shearing and early settlement items. The collection is lovingly maintained by a group of volunteers who also host the Ongerup Wildflower Show in September.


Elderidge Street
Ongerup WA 6336

Opening Hours

Open by request. Contact Vicki O’Neill on the number provided.

Mobile music

Minister, Rev. Neville Threlfall of the Methodist Church – Gnowangerup Circuit, travelled the wider region with this portable peddle organ on the back of a motorbike. He visited areas around Needilup...

Ongerup Shears

Ongerup hosted a shearing competition between 1983 and 2003. It attracted shearers from around Australia and internationally. Shearing competitions include individual and team blade shearing and wool...

Coonatt and Quonert

Coonatt (wattle seed) is an important food source for Noongar people, high in protein and fibre. It can be ground into flour and made into paste. Ground wattle seed is called quonert. The items on the...

More South West collections

The first museum in Darkan highlights the significant role of women in the development of agricultural communities.

Be captivated by the stories of women like Betty Brown, who made a considerable contribution to farming in the Shire of West Arthur. Betty’s family moved to the region in 1867 to establish a farm...

A secret society

In many towns the list of historic buildings includes the local Masonic Lodge. The Freemasons were exclusively male, non-Catholic and often with significant influence on the ‘goings-on’ in the town...

A slice of history preserved amid modern canal-front homes

Tucked away, aside luxurious and imposing canal-front homes, is the wonderfully quaint historic Halls Cottage. The stone and thatched-roof building was once the abode of one of Mandurah’s first...

We've been there, left and returned to Seven Hills

The rolling hills create a picturesque drive along Seven Hills Road, following the Collie River as it snakes along the valley. At the end of the road is the entrance to Roelands Village, a place of...

While you're in the area

Yongergnow Australian Malleefowl Centre
Yongergnow Australian Malleefowl Centre
See the endangered Malleefowl in a natural setting at Yongergnow...
Jaekel Street, Lot 260, Ongerup, WA 6336