Yongernow Australian Malleefowl Centre

Find out about one of Australia's megapodes: the Malleefowl.

Learn about the endangered bird which builds large mounds to incubate its eggs. The Yongernow Australian Malleefowl Centre is dedicated to raising awareness of mallee bush and Malleefowl. The Centre has a Malleefowl captive raising program and conducts bird and fauna surveys. The educational display provides information about the mallee bush, farming in the region and conservation efforts to protect the mallee bush and Malleefowl. While you are there, why not enjoy a beverage at the café, or visit the gallery and library.


Lot 260 Jaekel Street
Ongerup WA 6336

Opening Hours

Tues to Sat 9am - 4pm


This taxidermy specimen allows visitors to get up close and have a good look at a Malleefowl. The birds create large mounds of decaying vegetation to bury and incubate their eggs. Sometimes unhatched...

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While you're in the area

Yongergnow Australian Malleefowl Centre
Yongergnow Australian Malleefowl Centre
See the endangered Malleefowl in a natural setting at Yongergnow...
Jaekel Street, Lot 260, Ongerup, WA 6336