Kimberley language resource materials

Keeping language strong

The KLRC has delivered programs and services and worked with language groups in regional and remote communities across the Kimberley region. These groups include Jaru, Kija, Kwini, Walmajarri, Worrorra, Nyikina, Bunuba, Wanyjirra, Bardi, Gooniyandi and Wangkajunga. Thye have also recorded oral histories in English. There are unpublished written, audio and audio-visual materials in the archive with which the organisation continues to work with the intention fo making it available online in the future. In addition to the languages above, these unpublished resources include representations of the Kukatja, Ngardi, Worla, Warrwa, Ungarinyin, Mangala and Wunambal alanguage groups. Many of these resources are available at

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Kimberley Language Resource Centre

Keeping language strong in the Kimberley

The Kimberley Language Resource Centre (KLRC) is the peak regional languages organisation of the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Incorporated in 1985 as an independent, Aboriginal corporation...


12 Terone Street
Halls Creek WA 6770

Open Hours
Open by calling (08) 9168 6005

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