Giant bailer shell

Giants of the sea

Melo miltonis are found on reefs in shallow and deep waters, and is one of the largest marine mollusks. Highly valued by Aboriginal people for their open cavity and robustness, they were used primarily to carry water. Traded through traditional networks, fragments can be found around most desert soaks. The name came about because early European arrivals recorded Aboriginal people bailing out their canoes with these huge shells.

Available at:

Neil Baker Shell Collection

Shells galore

This extraordinary shell collection is one of the largest in Australia. Collected over the last 70 years by fisherman and boat builder Neil Baker, the shells come from all over Australia and the...


50 Third Avenue
Onslow WA 6710

Open Hours

April to October Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat 10am - 3pm

While you're in the area

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