Betty Brown Historical Centre

The first museum in Darkan highlights the significant role of women in the development of agricultural communities.

Be captivated by the stories of women like Betty Brown, who made a considerable contribution to farming in the Shire of West Arthur. Betty’s family moved to the region in 1867 to establish a farm. Betty grew up on a property near Arthur River and continued the farming tradition. The Betty Brown Historical Centre was established in 2020 as a result of a generous donation by Betty and highlights the significant and changing role of women in farming and rural areas. The centre is located within the West Arthur Community Resource Centre.


27 Burrowes Street
Darkan WA 6392

Opening Hours

Mon to Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm

A changing display space

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A love of wool

Betty Brown was a local farmer who loved sheep farming. She spun her own wool on this spinning wheel. You can see her mother Edith Brown's lacework displayed in the entrance of the Community Resource...

Dance the night away

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While you're in the area

Betty Brown Historical Centre
Betty Brown Historical Centre
The Betty Brown Historical Centre located in the Wheatbelt town of Darkan...
27 Burrowes Street, Darkan, WA 6392