WAnderland Perth to Wave Rock Road Trip Itinerary

Planning a road trip from Perth to Wave Rock? Buckle up, because we've whipped up an itinerary that'll turn your journey into an unforgettable adventure! Get ready to embark on a thrilling expedition through Western Australia, where hidden gems and incredible attractions await at every twist and turn. We've compiled some of the most intriguing, off-the-beaten-path spots and experiences you won't want to miss along the way. Let's rev up the excitement and hit the road!
Follow this itinerary and you’ll see the Corrigin Pioneer Museum, Tin Horse Highway, Kulin Museum and Men's Shed, Jilakin Lake, Buckley's Breakaway, The Lace Place, Wave Rock, Lake Magic, York Motor Museum and Bilya Koort Boodja.
Check out the video below for a taste of what’s to come, and then download the Perth to Wave Rock road trip itinerary and start planning your next adventure!
Download your Perth to Wave Rock itinerary now and save for your next road trip!
Heading elsewhere in WA? WAnderland covers the entire state, so head over and create your own bespoke road trip with the WAnderland Itinerary Planner. Create a journey with unique stops along the way, tailored perfectly to your preferences.