Mullewa Priest House

Monsignor Hawes - discover where he lived and worked

Wander through the former home of famed architect-priest Monsignor John Hawes and it’s easy to imagine this remarkable man inhabiting its rooms. Hawes designed and built the presbytery for himself in 1930 after having designed and constructed the stunning Lady of Mount Carmel Church nearby. The Priest House Museum features many artefacts used by or created by the man himself. A visit here will have you marvelling at his talents while you learn much about his incredible contribution to Australian architecture.


Doney St
Mullewa WA 6630

Opening Hours
July to October 7 days 10.30am to 12.30pm
Tools of the trade

The revered churches and buildings of famed architect-priest Monsignor John Hawes, began as a dream brought to life with pencil, paper and tools like this T-square. During his time in Mullewa, Hawes...

Architecture as art

In 1898 Monsignor John Hawes was an architectural student in London. Even at this early stage in his career, Hawes saw architecture not so much as a profession but as an art. Hawes is quoted as saying...

A win for a horse-racing priest

Monsignor John Hawes was known locally, not just for his priesthood and architecture, but for his horsemanship. The priest would set out on long horse rides into the arid Mullewa countryside to visit...

More Coral Coast collections

From military to medical - Moora’s post-colonial history captured in a series of varied displays

The enthusiastic team of volunteers at Moora Districts Historical Society has built a vast repository of information and artefacts about the region’s local history at Moora Museum. One whole building...

The men behind the medals

The Geraldton RSL Birdwood House features a collection of military artefacts within the Birdwood Military Museum. The items reveal something of the men behind the medals and the characters behind the...

Monsignor Hawes - discover the man behind the work

This modern and beautifully interpreted display showcases the life and architecture of priest and prolific architect Monsignor John Hawes, who arrived in the Mid West in 1915. Excerpts from Hawes’...

Farming history brought to life

Mingnew’s original government school, built in 1894, is today home to the extensive collection of the Mingenew Museum. Meander through the former classrooms to witness artefacts dating back to the...

While you're in the area

Wildflowers of the Mid West
Wildflowers of the Mid West
For carpets of colourful wildflowers there's no better place than Western...
Mid West, Mullewa, WA 6630
Monsignor J.C. Hawes Priest House Museum
Monsignor J.C. Hawes Priest House Museum
The Monsignor J.C. Hawes Priest House Museum in Mullewa provides you with...
Bowes Street, Mullewa, WA 6630
Monsignor J. Hawes Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church
Monsignor J. Hawes Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church
The striking Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church was designed and built by...
18 Doney Street, Mullewa, WA 6630