The Newdegate Historical Society

Step back in time in the country to do some shopping in the 1950's.

Celebrating the heyday of the Hainsworth shop, café, and shop owner's quarters, you will feel as if you have walked straight into the 1950's. The Newdegate Historical Society has lovingly restored the Hainsworth Building to its former glory. The shop is set up to feel as if you could order something straight over the counter and pay in shillings and pounds (if you can remember what those are!).


Cnr Mitchell Street and Collier Street
Newdegate WA 6355

Opening Hours

Thurs 11am - 4:30pm. Open other days by appointment or contact the Community Resource Centre on (08) 9871 1791.

Newdegate Grand Café

On ‘town day’, locals left their orders at the shop and visited the café until their orders were ready to be collected. Many people lived out of town, so the café became an important local meeting...

Friday was town day.

Local farmers and their families came to town on Fridays to do their banking and shopping. It was also the day that children might get a lolly...

More Golden Outback collections

A local history archive in an old hospital

Walk through this old converted hospital,which houses an extensive array of local history items. The maze of rooms include themes and include a 'telephone room' with items from the old telegraph...

Old Butler's Garage is a hub for the community.

The Kulin Museum and Men’s Shed is housed in the original Butler’s Garage which was opened in 1938. The collection includes cars, trucks, machinery, tractors, implements and a settler's cottage...

Commemorating the armed services

For military buffs, this place has an interesting collection of items from World War I to the Vietnam War. You won't be able to miss ‘Huey’ an Iroquois UH-1H and the Kiowa, two Vietnam War era...

Harsh realities of early prison life on show at Newcastle Gaol Museum

Enter Newcastle Gaol Museum and find yourself hurtling back in time to imagine life as a prisoner here from 1865 to the early 1900s. The tiny cells are most disturbing, particularly the Aboriginal...

While you're in the area

PUBLIC Silo Trail: Newdegate
PUBLIC Silo Trail: Newdegate
In May 2018, faced with a row of CBH Group silos high above his head...
Maley Street, Newdegate, WA 6355