Nyamba Buru Yawuru

This is the place of Yawuru

Representing the Yawuru people, the traditional owners of the country around Broome, Nyamba Buru Yawuru (NBY) is committed to a vision of mabu liyan, mabu buru, mabu ngarrangunil – Good liyan, (well-being), healthy country, strong community. As an objective of their Cultural Management Plan, NBY started Mangara (which means forever) as their living archive in 2014. Using the Storylines database, they began to build their collection, train emerging curators and share their story through exhibitions and other interpretative methods such as apps, walking trails, books, tours, signage and public art. NBY has also set up the Yawuru Nan-ga (language) and Nurlu (song and dance) programs to rekindle their cultural traditions. They also work in creative partnerships with organisations such as the WA Museum, producing the award-winning outcomes such as Lustre: Pearling & Australia travelling exhibition.


55 Reid Road
Broome WA 6725

Opening Hours

Mon to Fri 8am - 4:30pm

Creating water

In Bugarrigarra, all the Jila (water sources) in Yawuru country were created by this jarndu (woman). As she walked the country she carried her pin-ga (bailer shell) spilling drops of water here and...

Yawuru seasons

These artworks were a highlight of the Bugarrigarra Nyurdany (because of the Dreaming) exhibition, created by Nagula Jarndu artists based in Broome. Representing the six Yawuru seasons and celebrating...

Waking up the spirit

Without any of their old artefacts, or the money to purchase them, the Yawuru senior men decided to make their own collection for the Bugarrigarra Nyurdany (because of the Dreaming) exhibition...

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A community space – a space for community

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One big mob altogether so that our grandchildren’s, children’s children will know their culture.

The artists say, ‘This place - it’s a good art centre!’ And it is. In the heart of Miriwoong country the Centre is focused on maintaining and passing on culture through dance, story and painting to...

While you're in the area

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