Find your own Wanderland

Find your own WAnderland

Wherever you choose to wander out yonder, make sure to uncover the full story of the region with a culture stop brought to you by the Western Australian Museum.

So, go on. Step right in.
WAnderland is waiting.

Start exploring

Explore our collections by region

Wanderland Highlights

North West
Cygnet Bay Pearls
Aborginal storyteller’s life in the bush
Coral Coast
Irra Wangga Language Centre at Bundiyarra
Project Eden
Coral Coast
Shark Bay World Heritage Discovery and Visitor Centre
Flood captured in art
Coral Coast
Greenough Museum and Gardens
Sammy the Dragon
North West
Shire of Broome Art Collection
Shipwreck treasure
Coral Coast
Cervantes Historical Society
Golden Outback
Norseman Historical Museum
Prominent Noongar artist
Golden Outback
NEXIS (Narrogin Exhibition Space)
Stay away!
North West
Onslow Visitors Centre and Goodshed Museum
Rare jade
North West
Comet Gold Mine and Tourist Centre
Coolgardie Cool
Golden Outback
Warden Finnerty’s Residence
A leather legacy
North West
Argyle Homestead Museum