Wuddi Aboriginal Cultural Centre

A prominent place to learn about the Noongar history of Dambarling (Lake Dumbleyung).

This is a great place to stop, enjoy Noongar artworks and other collection items, and find a keepsake at the shop. Anne and Grant Riley run cultural tours around the lake, where you can learn about traditional foods which once sustained Wilmen Nyoongar people. The cultural tours work with local organisations to showcase djilgi (yabbie) and weitj (emu)stories in the local area. You will be shown sites around Dambarling (the name for Lake Dumbelyung), including gnamma holes (secret rock water-holes) and learn about local bird life and cultural activities like ‘dumbung’ the local Nyoongar game with a stick.


22 Harvey Street
Dumbleyung WA 6350

Opening Hours
Wed to Sat 9.30am - 3pm
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Wagin Road, Dumbleyung, WA 6350
Wuddi Cultural Centre
Wuddi Cultural Centre
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66 Absolon Street, Dumbleyung, WA 6350